Welcome back!!! We are in person and still masked throughout the day. Just a reminder that if your child is absent all their assignments are posted on their Google class page. Any questions can be directly emailed to teacher for quickest response.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
There is no school on Friday. LMS hopes everyone has a safe, fun, and relaxing Christmas and New Years Day. See you on Jan. 3rd bright and early.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
All students should have their laptops in the event they want to work on any extra work over break. All information should on their google classroom pages.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Parents please check our school information page for information on any Covid cases or safety concerns at LMS. As always please call me with any concerns you may have.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Please take the time to reserve one time slot for each of your child's teachers this semester.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Parent Teacher Conference sign up is live!! Go to vdps.net website- middle school page to find link Be sure to do parent survey as well
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Tomorrow Friday 11/5 we have 1/2 day due to records day.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Tuesday is a PD day for teachers no school on that day
over 2 years ago, Middle School Athletes
PLC tomorrow 1:12pm release
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Parents we still have 3 separate doors to drop your children off in the morning. 8th grade door is right outside the bus lanes and is the southern most door. Main entrance is for 7th and any students arriving late after 7:25. The 6th grade door is the northern most door. Please be sure to pull fully into the drop off zone so cars can get around you.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Parents please read my letter on School information page regarding TikTok issues.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Parents to improve communication with you I will be using mass parent emails and text outs to primary contact in your child's PowerSchool . Please make sure your cell numbers and emails are correct so that you will get any important message from me. We will continue to use the robo calls and mailings as needed. If you have any questions please be sure to contact the office
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Hello Parents, This week went well. Students are getting comfortable with classes and everyday life of IN person school. We are concentrating on being on time which we need your help with in the morning. We need them here at 7:18. If your child is late more then 10 times it will generate a truancy report. I would like to avoid that if we can. Have a great weekend
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Hello Parents! You should be getting a robo call tonight regarding a virtual visit with your child to all their google classrooms. You child will know how to get to log into the classes. Please take opportunity to explore with your child and watch the teachers videos.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Tomorrow night is Virtual Curriculum we will be asking you to log into your child's google classrooms with them and view a video posted by their teacher. I will be sending out a robo call to remind you tomorrow. If after you watch and explore the teachers classes and you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Get ready for our Meet the Teacher virtual night! next Wednesday. This is a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with your child's google class pages, the teacher, and what they will be teaching. All you will need to do is have your child log into their classes from home and watch the videos posted in the classrooms. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to learn who and what we are doing in class
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Please make sure you student is bringing their laptop, bag, and charging cord to school if they are taking them home. We also need them to charge them at home so that they are fully charged for their 1st hour of the day. If there is an issue with the laptop please bring it in so that we can diagnosis it and provide a replacement if needed. Please remind your child to take care of the laptop since any damages you are responsible for.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Just a reminder we need your children here by 7:18 when we let them into building. Class Starts!!!!!! at 7:25. We don't want students to start accumulating tardies early on. Just a reminder that school policy is no head wear. Girls may wear a headband to hold back there hair but it must be one piece and not a rolled up bandana or winter gear.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Please be mindful of dress code as your students are coming to school. No slides or sandals without heel straps. Any clothing violation we offer a clothing fix or call home to bring something. They will not be allowed to go to class until its fixed. Thanks for your support.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
First Full Day under our belt. Thank you to all the parents for getting your student here on time at 7:18. Remember there will be no school on Friday and Monday. Students are settling in to school expectations, its going to be a good year.
over 2 years ago, Vic Breithaupt